CS 136:
Data Structures and Advanced Programming

Spring, 1998

Please look over the material in the reading assignment before each lecture as I will not lecture on everything in the reading assignments.

In the reading assignments in the schedule below, B stands for Bailey's Java Structures, while CJ stands for Horstmann and Cornell's Core Java 1.1: Vol. 1.

Date Topic Reading
1 2/6 Introduction and Overview B0, CJ 1, 3
2 2/9 Object-oriented languages & Java B1, CJ 4
3 2/11 more Java
4 2/13 Assertions B2
5 2/16 Vectors I B3
6 2/18 Vectors II
2/20 Winter Carnival
7 2/23 Complexity B4.1
8 2/25 Lists B6
9 2/27 More Lists
10 3/2 Extending classes (inheritance) B4.2
11 3/4 Recursion & Sorting B5
12 3/6 More Sorting
13 3/9 Merge Sort
14 3/11 Quick Sort/Linear Structures: Stacks B7.1
3/11 Hour Exam I in Lab
15 3/13 Stack applications B7.3
16 3/15 Queues B7.2
17 3/18 More Queues & GUI programming: Events & AWT CJ 8-9
18 3/20 More events
Spring Break
19 4/6 Iterators B8
20 4/8 Ordered Structures B9
21 4/10 Trees I: Introduction, Specification and Applications B10
22 4/13 Trees II: Applications & Implementation
23 4/15 Heaps and Priority Queues B11
24 4/17 HeapSort
25 4/20 Trees III: Binary Search Trees B12.1-12.3
26 4/22 Trees IV: Balanced trees B12.4-6
27 4/24 Trees V: More Balanced trees.
28 4/27 Graphs I: Specification and Applications B14
29 4/29 Graphs II: More Applications and Implementations
Lab 4/29 Midterm 2
30 5/1 Graphs III: More Applications and Implementations
31 5/4 Graphs IV: More Implementations
32 5/6 Dictionaries B13
33 5/8 More dictionaries, Hashing
34 5/11 Threads in Java
35 5/13 Concurrency, monitors, and impossible problems
36 5/15 Review
CJ: Chapter 11 covers many of Java's built-in data structures such as vectors, hash tables, stacks, queues, etc. We will refer to other chapters of CJ as appropriate for topics such as interfaces, inheritance, and exception handling.

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