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Homework and Programming Assignments


Programs for this course will be run on the Pomona College Computer Science department's lab facilities, based in Edmunds 227. You are welcome to use other computers to write and test your programs, but they must run on our facilities. You may log in remotely to any of the lab machines using ssh. Please do not log into any of our servers (e.g., linus) to do homework.

Turning in Homework

Programs will generally be due at the beginning of class periods. Please hand in paper copies of all solutions and the answers generated. Runnable copies of programs for homework should also be copied into directory /common/cs/cs181/dropbox on these computers. Files should be labelled with your name and the assignment number. If you have more than one file for an assignment, please put all associated files in a directory and turn in the directory. You can either drag your file or directory into dropbox or use sftp if you are running remotely. You are responsible for making sure that your program, as turned in, will run successfully without any extra work on my part. Include instructions on how to run your programs either at the top of the program file or in a separate README.

An important criterion in grading homework will be clarity of solution. Thus you should attempt to explain your solutions, program or not, as clearly as possible. This also means that programs should be carefully documented so that I can understand them. At a minimum, each function defined should include a comment on what it does. The comment should explain what each input parameter stands for and how the output depends on the input.

Late policy

Each student may use a maximum of three late days during the course of the semester (note that weekend days count), though at most two days may be taken for any one assignment. Once those late days are used up, late homework will not be accepted.

Due Date     

Homework      Solutions     
Feb 5 Hmwk 1 solution
Feb 12 Hmwk 2 solution
Feb 19 Hmwk 3 solution
Feb26 Hmwk 4 solution
Data for homework 4: treebank.test, treebank.train.gz, treebank.train.large.gz,
March 11 Hmwk 5 solution
Data for Homework 5: decGrammar.fcfg
April 8 Hmwk 6
Data for Homework 6: sem2.fcfg

The description of the final project is now available on-line.

Links to useful informationTopLectures and ReadingsHomework and Programming Assignments