Final remarksTopPart 2:Grading Guidelines

Grading Guidelines


Style, Design, and Efficiency (10 pts total)
2 pts. Descriptive comments
2 pts. Good variable names
2 pts. Good use of constants
2 pts. Appropriate formatting
1 pt. Does not generate new objects unnecessarily
1 pt. Design issues (including bringing a design to lab)
Correctness (10 pts total)
2 pts. Generates a new color swatch only if previous one placed correctly
2 pts. Swatch displayed in the correct initial position; returns to original location if incorrectly sorted
2 pts. Updates number correct and incorrect properly
2 pts. Drags swatch properly (-1 pt if can use clicking instead of dragging)
2 pts. Appropriate behavior if user does unexpected things like starting to drag outside the swatch
Extra credit (1 pt)
1 pt. Does not update either # correct or # incorrect if user misses all baskets

Final remarksTopPart 2:Grading Guidelines