Lectures and ReadingsTopInstructor & Texts

Instructor & Texts

Instructor: Kim Bruce
212B Millikan, x7-1866
Office Hours: TWF 1:30-3:00 p.m. & by appt.
Lectures: MWF 11:00 - 11:50 a.m., Andrew 253
Texts: Concepts in Programming Languages
by John C. Mitchell, Cambridge University Press, 2003, and
(recommended) Elements of ML Programming: SML `97 edition
by Jeffrey D. Ullman, Prentice Hall, 1997.
Course web page: http://www.cs.pomona.edu/classes/cs131/
Instructor's web page: http://www.cs.pomona.edu/~kim/
Prerequisites: CSC070 and CSC081

Lectures and ReadingsTopInstructor & Texts