In this lab, you will be converting a singly linked list into a doubly linked list. The implementations are based on the Java implementations in Bailey’s structure5 library. You will be using the memory debugger valgrind to test your code for memory leaks, and other memory errors. The goal of this lab is gain experience playing with pointers and dynamic memory management, and should help prepare you for this week’s assignment.

Getting started

Before lab, look over your notes on linked lists and the Java code in Bailey’s library and refresh your memory on linked lists.

Copy over the starter code from:


Compile and run the program. The program currently runs some basic tests to exercise the linked list data structure. Now run the program with valgrind by typing: make memcheck, and read the generated report (yes I know it is ugly!). You will see that memory is being leaked. Look through the file linked_list.c and uncomment the line marked “Uncomment me to fix memory leak!” You should use valgrind to check this weeks assignment for memory leaks.

Singly-Linked List

Now, take a look at the linked list header file (linked list.h). The header file contains a basic set of linked list functions. These functions are implemented in the file linked list.c. The implementations are mostly direct translations from Java to C, e.g., switching Java references to pointers. Add a few extra tests to the main method to make sure you know how to work with the linked list data structure.

Doubly-Linked List

Your task in this lab is to convert this singly-linked list to a doubly-linked list. You will need to modify linked list nodes to have a prev pointer in addition to the next pointer, and all functions changing nodes will need to be modified to update the previous pointers. After this conversion the performance of some of the functions should be improved, see comments in linked_list.h for details.

Turning it in!

As usual for C code, run make package to create a folder on your desktop (remember to fill in the authors variable in the makefile first). Once you have the folder with both your name and your partner’s name, turn it in using the usual submit script:

/common/cs/cs062/bin/submit cs062 lab11 ~/Desktop/Lab11_Names