In this lab, we’ll be playing with some of the sorting algorithms we’ve discusses in class. In addition, you’ll get some familiarity with the merge method of MergeSort, which you’ll be implementing an on-disk version of for the next assignment.

As last week, we encourage you to work with a partner for this lab.

Note: this lab assumes you’ve kept up with the reading for the class! In particular, we’ll be looking at Bubble sort, Insertion sort, Selection sort, Quicksort and Mergesort which are all described in Chapter 6 of the Java Structures textbook.

Getting started

Create a new project in Eclipse called Lab03. Then open up Terminal and copy the starter files from:


Note that there are two directories inside of lab03 that you need to copy to your workspace. Be sure to copy both directories (and not just the files in the directories)! To do this type:

cp -R /common/cs/cs062/labs/lab03/* ~/Documents/cs062/workspace/Lab03/src/

The flag “-r” tells the copy command to recursively copy all files and directories. The star * is a wildcard symbol that matches “everything”. So this command recursively copies everything from the lab03 directory to your Eclipse directory.

After you’ve copied the code, spend 5 minutes looking at the different classes. In particular,

Finish MergeSort

You’ve been given all of the code for this lab except the merge method, which you should now implement. Give it a good effort, but if you get stuck, I’ve provided a solution below. However, it will benefit you to figure it out during lab (without looking at the solution) while you have help since you will be implementing something similar for your assignment.

Once this is done, you should be able to run the SortTimer class.

Play with the timing

Run the SortTimer class. Do the times look like you’d expect? Which one is faster?

This should give you some confidence that Quicksort average case works as we expect. As an additional test, change the printTimes method to generate sorted data instead of random data. How does this change your timing data? Is this what you expected?

Playing with the sorting algorithms

In Eclipse, navigate to the coinSort package and click on the file Now click on the run symbol (the green circle with the white triangle) in the top toolbar.

You will see a window similar to the one for the Silver Dollar Game, except that all the squares are filled, and the coins have different sizes. Use the keystrokes below to shuffle and sort the coins. Experiment with several of the sorting algorithms.

b: sort the coins using bubble sort

c: sort the coins using a randomly-selected algorithm

i: sort the coins using insertion sort

q: sort the coins using quicksort

r: rearrange the coins into a random order

s: sort the coins using selection sort

x: exit the program

The program you are using has a few additional features. Typing f (for “freeze”) stops the sorting; typing t (for “thaw”) resumes the sorting. Typing f when the sorting is frozen advances the algorithm by one step. You can continue to type f to proceed step-by-step, or t to resume normal execution.

Typing c selects one of the sorting algorithms at random and executes it. Practice with the c command to develop your skill in identifying the algorithm from the pattern of comparisons and swaps.


  1. Remember to rename your folder to


  2. Remember to fill out the .json file with your and your partners’ usernames.
  3. Unlike last time, use the new submission script. This script will make sure that everything is named correctly and that you don’t forget any of the required folders. To use it, first copy your assignment folder onto one of the lab machines (or a remotely-accessible machine like, and then run the submission script at /common/cs/cs062/bin/submit with the following arguments:

    Once you call the script, it should print “You are:” followed by your username. If it prints the wrong username, you’re using someone else’s login and your submission won’t be recognized as yours. After confirming your username, the script will tell you what file it submitted for what assignment/class and the name of the submitted file. If you get the arguments wrong, it will print an error message instead (which should be informative). Remember you can use tab-completion for filenames to spell them correctly (filenames with spaces in them can accidentally be treated as multiple separate arguments unless you’re careful). Using the submit command looks like this:

    /common/cs/cs062/bin/submit cs062 lab03 ~/Desktop/Assignment03_Name

If you still have time…

Implement a new class for one of the O(n2) running time sorting methods that implements our Sorter interface. Add this new class into the SortTimer class and compare its runtime to the other sorting methods.

An implementation of merge.

Here is one implementation of the merge algorithm. It uses an extra ArrayList, and so mergesort does not sort “in place” as our other algorithms do.

public void merge (ArrayList <E> list, int low, int mid, int high) {
  Object[] temp = new Object[high-low];
  int tempIndex = 0;
  int lowIndex = low;
  int midIndex = mid;
  while (lowIndex < mid && midIndex < high) {
    if (list.get(lowIndex).compareTo(list.get(midIndex)) < 1) {
      temp[tempIndex] = list.get(lowIndex);
    } else {
      temp[tempIndex] = list.get(midIndex);
  // copy over the remaining data on the low to mid side if there
  // is some remaining.
  while (lowIndex < mid) {
    temp[tempIndex] = list.get(lowIndex);
  // copy over the remaining data on the mid to high side if there
  // is some remaining. Only one of these two while loops should
  // actually execute
  while (midIndex < high) {
    temp[tempIndex] = list.get(midIndex);
  // copy the data back from temp to list
  for (int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) {
    list.set (i+low, (E) temp[i]);