Note the unusual due date.


While working on this assignment, you will:


In this assignment we will play a guessing game (somewhat similar to 20 questions), with the computer doing the guessing—and learning at the same time. In the sample below, the human’s responses are shown after the question marks.

Welcome to the Animals game!

Shall we play a game? y
Were you thinking of a elephant? n
Doh! What was the animal? cow
What question separates cow from elephant? Does it moo?
What is the correct answer for this animal? y

Shall we play a game? y
Does it moo? y
Were you thinking of a cow? y

Shall we play a game? y
Does it moo? n
Were you thinking of a elephant? n
Doh! What was the animal? gnat
What question separates gnat from elephant? Is it bigger than a breadbox?
What is the correct answer for this animal? n

Shall we play a game? y
Does it moo? n
Is it bigger than a breadbox? y
Were you thinking of a elephant? n
Doh! What was the animal? whale
What question separates whale from elephant? Does it live in the water?
What is the correct answer for this animal? y

Shall we play a game? n

The program maintains a binary tree whose internal nodes contain questions and whose leaves contain the names of animals. The left and right children of an internal node correspond to the responses “no” and “yes” (left being no and right be yes). When the program makes a wrong guess, it collects enough information to create a new node. The original leaf (the one with a wrong answer) is replaced by a new internal node that contains a new question and whose children are the old wrong answer and the new right answer.

Notice that the tree has the property that a node is either a leaf or has two children. That property makes it easy to distinguish answers from questions. It also allows us to store trees as text files, with the nodes listed in preorder. Here is a picture and the corresponding textual representation of a simple tree:

               n /    \ y
                /      \
             bigger?   cow
           n /    \ y
            /      \
         gnat     water?
                n /    \ y
                 /      \
            elephant   whale
QDoes it moo?
QIs it bigger than a breadbox?
QDoes it live in water?

The lines in the file follow a preorder traversal of the tree. A question is prefixed by the letter Q and an answer by A. Do not specify empty trees in the file as they do not provide useful information. The shortest possible file has one line, an answer.


This program has three *.c files binary_tree_io.c, binary_tree.c, and animal_game.c. The corresponding header files have been provided. It will be helpful to look at Bailey’s implementation of a binary tree (source code is available on the course “Documentation and Handouts” page).

In general, all the nodes/trees will be created with malloc and all the variables will be of type binary_tree*, i.e., pointers to binary_tree structs. You will be working with the following C libraries: stdlib.h, stdio.h, stdbool.h and string.h. Make sure you look over the documentation for these libraries.

File: binary_tree_io.c

The file binary_tree_io.c provides functions to read and write a data file named animals.tree which stores the binary tree between runs of the program. The function declarations are provided in the file binary_tree_io.h.

This file will be the shortest and simplest. The header file specifies two functions: binary_tree_create_f and binary_tree_write. binary_tree_write takes a file stream, and should call a recursive function to do the work. You can use binary_tree_write to print the tree while debugging by setting the stream to stdout. binary_tree_create_f on the other hand takes a file stream and returns a new binary tree. The equivalent Java methods are in the class AnimalTree.

The function binary_tree_create_f should return NULL if:

As in the Java version shown in class, the easiest way to implement these methods is to write recursive helper methods. The recursive functions will reflect the steps in a preorder traversal. The only parts to fill in are the file operations and the binary tree manipulations. You may write your own auxiliary functions as necessary.

File: binary_tree.c

The file binary_tree.c provides the implementations for the binary tree functions. The struct binary_tree is forward declared in binary_tree.h, so it is only possible to work with binary trees through pointers. Each node in the binary tree contains a single string.

There are many functions to implement for working with binary_tree structs but most of them are short and simple. Completing this part is mostly a task in translating your knowledge of binary trees into C. As a result, you will likely want to refer to the implementation of the class in Bailey’s structure library. Note: you may not have to use some of the functions, like height and depth, but include them anyway (we may test them). You must be very clear on how the different types of nodes are identified. Here is the suggested convention:

It is possible to use just one empty binary tree throughout your program, as Bailey does with Java, but it is significantly trickier in C. I recommend you waste the space and use multiple empty trees.

The tree nodes contain answers and questions. Answers are at leaf nodes and questions are at non-leaves. As in the Java version, do not add any additional information to the nodes to tell them apart. In particular, do not store in a node the leading character, A or Q, from the animals.tree file.

Notice that there is no binary_tree_set_string function. We want you to construct the trees by detaching subtrees and reassembling them. The greatest challenge is to maintain the parent pointers properly when executing binary_tree_set_left and binary_tree_set_right. Again, it will be useful to look at the Java BinaryTree implementation in the structure5 library, which can be found via the class handouts page.

File: animal game.cpp

This file, and its corresponding header files, will hold functions implementing the game logic of the Animal game. You should decompose the logic of the game into small testable functions which will be called in the main method (found in main.c). One variation from our Java version is that we won’t deal with input and output from the command-line. Instead, when your game starts it should read from a file named “animals.tree” and when the game finishes it should update this file, that is, write the final tree to “animals.tree”. If the file “animal.tree” is not found, then you should start with a game tree containing only elephant at the root.

Getting Started

You may work in pairs for this assignment, and it is recommended to do so. You will likely encounter subtle bugs during the course of this assignment, and more eyes on the code will hopefully help.

Read through this entire document to make sure you understand the assignment. A Java implementation of the Animal game can be found beside the starter code at:


The focus of your work will be to rewrite this Java program into C. The starter files for this assignment can be found in the usual location.

Look at the different header files and make sure you understand the basics of what the interface is doing. Note: you may NOT change the header files provided and your program must compile with these header files.


You will be graded based on the following criterion:

Criterion Points
binary_tree_io.c 4
binary_tree.c 6
Game functionality 5
Checking preconditions 2
Appropriate comments (still JavaDoc) 2
Style and formatting 1
Submitted correctly 1

Submitting Your Work

To turn in your assignment, run make package as usual to create a folder on your desktop. Make sure that it includes your name (and your partner’s name if you have a partner); if it doesn’t fill in the author_name variable in the makefile and re-run make package.

Once the folder is created, use the submit script to submit it:

/common/cs/cs062/bin/submit cs062 asg11 ~/Desktop/Assignment11_Names

As always, before submitting make sure that your code compiles and runs (run make clean and then make run) and that you’ve commented it thoroughly using JavaDoc-style comments.

Memory management in the binary_tree class

One of most delicate aspects of C programming is making sure that all memory allocated with malloc is properly freed with free. One must avoid stale pointers and memory leaks. You can check for memory leaks using valgrind by using the command make memcheck. If you want to do this from home, you will need to install valgrind. We will cover using valgrind in lab.

In our binary_tree code, the only job of binary_tree_destroy is to delete all dynamically-constructed subtrees. This function should be implemented recursively and free nodes in post-order. Make sure you understand why the order of freeing needs to be post order. Also, if you are using a single empty tree make sure you don’t free it while freeing your tree.