CS 1020 - Winter 2013 - Class 5

  • Quiz 2

  • Administrative
       - Eight-ball competition on Friday
          - Have your robots ready to start at 9pm
             - work out all of the bugs, etc. the night before
             - come in a few minutes early and make sure everything is still working :)
             - make sure to plug in your boards AND turn them off the night before (they charge much better when they're off)
          - We'll run the competition with the lights off and the blinds down
             - this will make it easier on your sensors
             - test your robot in these conditions!
          - Time limit?

       - Visit Quarry Hill School on Friday at 1pm
          - ~30 minutes at the school (should be back by 2, 2:30 at the latest)
          - we'll need to put together a few robots to take along
          - extra credit
          - logistics
             - who want to come?
                - looking for 7-10 people...
             - who can drive?
          - may have another visit for another school, but I'll keep you posted...

  • look at the bad-motor procedure in concurrency.txt code
       - what will it do when I run it?
          - the *hope* is that it will change the direction when the switch is press
       - It doesn't though. What will it actually do?
          - when you hold down the switch it will constantly reverse direction until you let go
       - what is the problem?
          - the key problem is that "switch 7" becomes true the when the switch is activated
             - this is called an "edge" triggered event
                - draw diagram
             - in some situations this is great
             - in others, not so great :(
       - solutions?
          - one solution is to put in a "wait" command after the "a, rd"
             - how long do we wait for?
          - what we really want is for the direction to change, but then not continue in the loop (i.e. check switch 7 again) until the switch is released
             - how could we write that?
       - look at good-motor procedure

  • toggle

  • concurrency
       - what does it mean for two things to happen "concurrently"?
          - at the same time
       - what does concurrency mean for computers?
          - concurrency is crucial for modern computers/computer science
          - rarely is any one single thing running on a computer at a time
             - you can actually see all the different things running at once
          - we can talk some other time about how that actually happens on the hardware...

  • what does concurrency mean for a computer program?
       - the program can be doing multiple things simultaneously
       - normally when we think about a program we think about it executed a sequential set of steps
       - with concurrency a program can have 2 or more sequential set of steps occurring at the same time
          - in the simplest case, think of running two procedures **at the same time**

  • processes
       - a "process" is a single executing unit that executes its code sequentially (this is not quite technically ture with multi-threading, but we'll ignore that complication for now)
       - concurrency involves running multiple processes at the "same time"

  • Handy Logo concurrency
       - run motor-demo from concurrency.txt code
          - Notice that while the song is playing I can still interact with the motor via the switch
          - with what we've learned so far, could you do this?
             - No! (or definitely not very easily)
          - what is happening?
             - we have two separate things running at the same time:
                - our play-song procedure
                - our good-motor procedure

  • launch
       launch [some-code]
       - the launch command executes some code concurrent (i.e. in parallel) to the current running code
          - specifically it creates a new process and starts executing the code
          - the main process then continues to run
          - the two processes run concurrently
       - given the launch command, how could I get the behavior from motor-demo?
          - call launch with either play-song OR good-motor
          - then, call the other one after it normally

  • forever
       forever [some-code]

       - a similar command to launch is forever, which execute the code in the square brackets over and over again as if it were in a loop **as a separate process**!
       - run motor-demo2 from concurrency.txt code
          - how could we do this with forever?
             - want to beep and wait in a loop continuously
             - put that in a forever statement

  • when
       when [some-question] [some-code]

       - the when statement allows us to execute some-code whenever some-question is true
          - similar to an if statement
          - however, this checking and executing happens in a different process
             - the current code does NOT stop and continues executing
             - think of it like telling Logo to listen in the background, but to continue doing what it was doing
       - could we implement the same beeping and motor changing behavior with a when statement?
          - look at motor-demo3 in concurrency.txt code

  • every
       every <time> [some-code]

       - executes some-code in another process (i.e. concurrently or in the background) every <time> tenths of a second
       - similar to when
          - when: runs only when a particular
          - every: runs at some timed interval
       - could we implement the same beeping and motor changing behavior with an every statement?
          - look at motor-demo4 in concurrency.txt code
  • stoprules
       - eventually, you may want to stop having your concurrent processes running in the background
       - the "stoprules" command stops all processes that were spawned by the current process EXCEPT those that were started with launch
       - look at motor-demo5 in concurrency.txt code
          - what will happen when I run the code?
          - what will happen when I activate sensor 7?
          - what will happen when I active sensor 8?
          - will anything happen if I now activate sensor 7 again?

  • look at fancy-ping-pong in more_concurrency.txt code
       - what does the procedure do?
          - similar to the ping-pong procedure you wrote
          - but makes beeping noises when it backs up
       - why do we need the stoprules?
          - it kills the parallel process that was beeping up
          - notice that this is one of the advantages of not using launch

  • look at too-much-concurrency in more_concurrency.txt code
       - what does the procedure do?
          - causes trouble :)
       - loops and concurrency often don't mix
          - we'll freeze up the Handy board
          - basically we spawn a bunch of processes from the loop
       - generally, just don't include concurrency in loops

  • look at eight-ball-challenge in more_concurrency.txt code
       - here's a hypothetical example of how concurrency might be useful
       - in theory we might be able to do all of these things in one giant loop
       - can make things much cleaner (and easier to debug) by making them separate procedures run concurrently

  • timing
       - we've seen time come up with a few commands
          - wait
          - every
       - sometimes wait isn't enough
       - Handy Logo has a built in timer that counts by tenths up to ~64s (I wouldn't go past 30)
       - two associate commands
          - resett: resets the timer
          - timer: gets the current value of the timer
       - look at procedures in timer.txt code