;; simple.txt ;; ;; Lego Robot Design Studio ;; simple SCIBORG code for day 1 menu 1 [fwd-until-bump] menu 2 [left-until-bump] menu 3 [right-until-bump] menu 4 [go-backward] menu 5 [go-straight] menu 6 [turn-left] menu 7 [turn-right] to fwd-until-bump go-straight waituntil front-bumper? stop-motion play-song end to left-until-bump turn-left waituntil front-bumper? stop-motion beep end to right-until-bump turn-right waituntil front-bumper? stop-motion beep end to go-backward left-wheel on thatway right-wheel on thatway end to go-straight left-wheel on thisway right-wheel on thisway end to turn-left left-wheel off right-wheel on thisway end to turn-right right-wheel off left-wheel on thisway end to stop-motion left-wheel off right-wheel off end to left-wheel a, end to right-wheel b, end to front-bumper? output switch 7 end to back-bumper? output switch 8 end to play-song loop[ wait 6 repeat 3 [play_note 90 1 1] play_note 86 7 5 repeat 3 [play_note 88 1 1] play_note 85 7 5 repeat 3 [play_note 90 1 1] play_note 86 1 1 repeat 3 [play_note 91 1 1] play_note 90 1 1 repeat 3 [play_note 98 1 1] play_note 95 7 5 repeat 3 [play_note 90 1 1] play_note 85 1 1 repeat 3 [play_note 91 1 1] play_note 90 1 1 repeat 3 [play_note 100 1 1] play_note 97 7 5 ] end to play_note :frequency :duration :wait note :frequency :duration wait :wait end