menu 1 [go-forward-until-hit] menu 2 [beep-twice] menu 3 [go-backwards] menu 4 [move-wait-move] menu 5 [back-and-forth] menu 6 [cha-cha-cha] menu 7 [beep beep] to go-forward-until-hit loop [ ab, on thisway waituntil [switch 7] ab, off wait 5 beep-twice ] end to beep-twice beep wait 5 beep end to go-backwards ab, on thatway end to move-wait-move ab, onfor 10 wait 10 ab, onfor 10 end to back-and-forth ab, thisway onfor 3 beep ab, thatway onfor 3 beep end to cha-cha-cha repeat 4 [back-and-forth] ab, off end