CS201 - Spring 2014 - Class 12

  • Quiz

  • IOException
       - When you open a FileReader(i.e. BufferedReader) it can throw a FileNotFoundException
       - When you read from a BufferedReader it can throw an IOException, which is a type Exception
       - I've only caught the IOException. Why is Java letting me do this?
          - IOException is a superclass of FileNotFoundException!

  • Exception hierarchy
       - There are a lot of Exceptions!
       - All Exceptions, inherit from the class Exception
          - it's kind of like Object for Exceptions (though remember that Exceptions are classes and actually do inherit from Object)
       - If you put:

          catch(Exception e){


          - you will catch *ALL* exceptions that are thrown!
          - however, it's better style to specifically list the Exception you're trying to catch

  • look at the sum method in AsymptoticsExamples code
       - How long will it take to if we pass it an array with 1000 numbers in it? 10,000 numbers?
          - We don't know!
          - We could time it and find out
       - Even if you time it, can you say conclusively how long it will take?
          - No!
          - Variation from run to run
          - Depends on the computer
          - etc.
       - If I tell you the time it took on 10,000 numbers was x. Could you tell me approximately how long it would take on 20,000 numbers?
          - would take about twice as long
          - why?
             - does a linear pass through the data
             - doubling the size of the data, means about twice as much work

  • Asymptotics
       - Precisely calculating the actual cost of a method is tedious and not generally useful
       - Different operations take different amounts of time. Even from run to run, things such as caching, etc. will complicate things
       - Want to identify categories of algorithmic runtimes
       - What we really want to do is compare different algorithms
          - Want to know which algorithms will be much worse (or much better) than others

  • Big O
       - We write that an algorithms run-time is O(g(n)) if the run-time can be bounded as n gets larger by some constant times g(n)
       - For example, sum is O(n), i.e. linear

  • look at the lastElement and sumProduct methodd in AsymptoticsExamples code
       - What do they do?
       - What are their Big O running times?
          - Put another way, how does their run-time grow as you increase the size of the input?
       - lastElement
          - O(1), aka constant
          - no matter how large the array is (assuming .length is a constant time operation) it always does the same amount of work
       - sumProduct
          - O(n^2), aka quadratic
          - for each element, it must do a linear amount of work

  • How does Big-O notation allow us to ignore irrelevant details?
       - look at the doubleSum method in AsymptoticsExamples code
          - What is the Big O runtime of this method?
             - O(n)
          - How does it's runtime compare to that of sum?
             - twice as long (calls sum twice)
       - Even though doubleSum is twice as slow as sum, they're still in the same category since they will roughly grow at the same rate

  • Show running time table (see pg. 2 of Big-O notes from algorithms: http://www.cs.middlebury.edu/~dkauchak/classes/algorithms/lectures/2_BigO.pdf)

  • look at search1 method in BinarySearchExamples code
       - what does this method do?
       - what is the running time, using Big-O notation?
          - depends! sometimes an method/approach always has the same running time
             - look at search1a method in BinarySearchExamples code
          - In general, we'll talk about three different things for a method:
             - best case running time
             - worst case running time
             - average case running time
       - what are the best, worst and average case running times
          - best: O(1), constant, when the example is the first element
          - worse: O(n), linear, when the example is the last element
          - average: O(n), linear, on average, we'll need to traverse half of the elements (~n/2) which is still O(n)

  • look at search2 method in BinarySearchExamples code
       - what does this method do?
          - uses a helper method
          - does the same thing as the previous, but using recursion
       - which version is better?
       - what is the running time, using Big-O notation?
          - same as for the iterative version

  • can we do better than either of these procedures?
       - without any preprocessing of the data, no

  • number guessing game

  • what if I told you the data was in sorted order?
       - how do you find information in a phonebook (where the data is in essence, sorted)?

  • show binarySearch method in BinarySearchExamples code
       - what does the code do?
          - keeps a low and a high value
          - we know that if findMe is in the array, then nums[low] <= findMe <= nums[high]
          - picks the middle element between low and high
          - compares that middle element to our value and then either finds the data or DISCARDS HALF OF THE REMAINING DATA
       - an example
          - 1, 3, 7, 15, 16, 18, 21, 40, 45, 50
       - what's the running-time?
          - best case: O(1) it's the midpoint in the ArrayList
          - worst case: not found
             - how many times do we iterate through the while loop?
             - let's consider the case where the number of elements is a power of 2
                - we could always pad it up do the next largest power of 2
             - at each iteration we throw away half of the data, n/2, n/4, n/8
             - when will it be done?
                - when n/2^i = 1
                log n/2^i = log 1
                log n - log 2^i = 0
                log n - 2 log i = 0
                log n = 2 log i
                i = log_2 n
             - runtime is O(log_2 n)
          - average case: half as many iterations through the while loop... still O(log_2 n)

  • how would we write a recursive version?
       - we'd need a helper method
       - rather than keeping low and high as variables, they'll be parameters
       - then, rather than adjust them, we just call recursively call our method with smaller values

  • show binarySearchRecursive in BinarySearchExamples code

  • why is binary search useful? The cost to sort data is O(n log n), which is more expensive than just the linear search!

  • Last comments on binary search
       - It‚ is easy to get indices wrong, so be careful!
          - "Although the basic idea of binary search is comparatively straightforward, the details can be surprisingly tricky... Professor Donald Knuth (taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_search_algorithm)
       - http://googleresearch.blogspot.com/2006/06/extra-extra-read-all-about-it-nearly.html
       - How hard is it? http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=358476.358484, only accessible on campus
       - What if we wanted to return the first one in the list?

  • methods in the different Big-O categories:
       - O(1), constant time: regardless of the size of the input, there is a fixed amount of
          - add two 32 bit numbers
          - determine if a number is even or odd
          - sum the Ô¨Årst 20 elements of an array
       - O(log n) - logarithmic: at each iteration of the algorithm, discard some proportion of
    the input (often half)
       - O(n) - linear: do some constant amount of work on each element of the input
          - find an item in an Vector (or ArrayList)
          - determine the largest element in the array
       - O(n log n): divide and conquer algorithms with a linear amount of work to
          - sorting a list of numbers (with some algorithms)
          - FFT
       - O(n^2): double nested loops that iterate over the data
          - matrix addition
          - some other sorting algorithms
       - O(2^n)
          - Enumerate all possible subsets
          - Traveling salesman using dynamic programming
       - O(n!)
          - Enumerate all permutation
          - determinant of a matrix with expansion by minors