CS 201 - Installing Java and Eclipse

If you want to run Java and Eclipse on your own computer:
  1. Install the Java JDK (Java Development Kit), version 1.7 ("Java 7")

  2. Download and install Eclipse from http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/. Download "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers", and select 32-bit or 64-bit to match your version of Java.

  3. For a few of the assignments, we'll be using some of the code from the Bailey book. Download bailey.jar from http://dept.cs.williams.edu/~bailey/JavaStructures/Software.html and save it in a permanent location, e.g., your cs201 folder or within the Eclipse installation folder (for Windows, this might be C:\eclipse). Next, tell Eclipse where to find this file:

  4. Now, if you want to use Bailey's structure package in a project:

That's it!

Creating new projects

For some of the assignments you will need to create a new Eclipse project. To create a new project from scratch:
  1. Open the "File" Menu. Select "New" and then "Project" from the submenu.
  2. Select "Java Project", which may be showing at the top level or you may have to open the Folder labeled "Java" to find it, and then click "Next".
  3. Enter the Project name.
  4. Make sure the "Create separate folders for sources and class files" is selected.
  5. If you are not planning to use Bailey's library, click Finish and skip the rest of the steps. If you are planning to use Bailey's code, click Next.
  6. Select the "Libraries" tab.
  7. Click "Add variable".
  8. Select BAILEY from the list and click "OK".
  9. Click "Finish".

Credits: Part of these instructions were derived from a handout at Pomona