CS312 - Spring 2012 - Class 2

  • administrative
       - assignment 1?
       - door code
       - text editor?
       - keep up with the reading

  • look at regular expression slides

  • some questions
       - what is a class?
          - a template that describe the behavior of a class of objects (generally, the data and methods)
       - what are instance variables?
          - instance variables are variables that are defined by a class and are associated with a particular object (i.e. an instance of the class)
       - what are methods?
          - methods are functions that are associated with a class of objects.
       - what are accessor and mutator methods?
          - accessor methods ask some question about the object
          - mutator methods manipulate or change the underlying object
       - what is a static variable in Java?
          - a variable associated with the class not a particular object of that class
          - why are they useful?
             - sometimes we may want to aggregate data about the class of objects
             - sometimes we may want to communicate data between objects within a class (e.g. locks, semaphors)
       - why do we care about classes?
          - the key component of object-oriented programming

  • naming conventions for ruby
       - variables, class names, etc: Figure 2.1 from pg. 37 or Ruby
       - filenames
          - class files: class_name_with_underscores.rb
          - other files: descriptive_name_with_underscores.rb

  • classes in ruby
       - say we wanted to define a person class in Java with the following characteristics:
          - instance variables
             - name
             - age
          - constructors
             - name (defaults to 18 if no age specified)
             - name, age
          - methods
             - name: getter
             - age: getter and setter
             - is legal to drink
             - toString
          - look at Person.java in Classes code

       - look at person.rb in Classes code
          - this is the equivalent code in ruby
          - what are some differences?
             - we see it has two instance variables: @name and @age
                - these do NOT need to be defined like in java
                - you can just use them. the @ signals that they aren't local variables.
             - attr_ define attributes
                - think of these like adding getters and setters
                - they define methods that can be called externally on the object to access the instance variables
                   - attr_reader creates a getter method
                      - :name would create a method name()
                   - attr_writer creates a setter method
                      - :name would create a method name= (allowing for assignment)
                   - attr_accessor creates both getter and setter methods
                - they are NOT necessary for defining instance variables
                - :name is a symbol (we'll see these a lot and will talk more about them)
             - initialize
                - think of it like the constructor
             - age=18
                - specifies an optional parameter
                - if one parameter is specified, age defaults to 18
                - if two are specified, then the second parameter gets assigned to age
             - age and @age are different things
                - @age is the instance variable
                - age is the parameter
             - as we saw before to_s is the equivalent of toString
       - look at person_script.rb in Classes code
          - what do you think it does?
          - what are some new things?
             - to create a new object, we use .new (which calls the initialize method)
             - notice if you say "puts some_object" it calls the .to_s method
             - the '?' is an operator (this is in C++, Java and other languages)
                - it has three components
                <boolean> ? <if_true> : <if_false>
                - true and false
                   - the only things that are false in ruby are nil and false
                   - everything else is true
          - we can see what methods a Person object has by calling the .methods method
             - like in java, everything inherits from Object, which is where we get all the other methods that we did not define)
          - require_relative
             - imports the code "relative" to the current location
             - basically, starts executing the new file from the top moving down, then comes back to the current file
             - for any run, if code is required, will only execute once
             - "require" is for built-in (or installed) modules
       - what if we wanted to keep track of how many Person objects we'd created?
          - how would we do it in java?
             - static variable
          - in ruby, we can declare "class variables"
             - denoted using @@
             - only one instance of the variable per class (not per object)
       - we can also create class methods (similar to static methods) by adding self. in front of the method name
          def self.population
       - unlike in java these can only be called using the class and not on an object
          - Person.population is legal
          - mary.population is NOT legal

  • inheritance
       - let's say we now want to make a student class with the same attributes as the person class, but with more specificity
          - inheritance!
       - look at student_script.rb
          - what attributes does the person class have?
             - age and name from Person
             - college
             - gpa
             - ten_point_scale
       - look at student.rb in Classes code
          - anything new?
             - "<" is used to specify inheritance
                - in ruby, you can only inherit from one class (why?)
             - notice that @semesters is an instance variables without any accessor methods (i.e. can't be accessed externally)
             - we can access @age because we inherited from the class
                - instance variables by default are protected
             - what is the method ten_point_scale= ?
                - ten_point_scale is a virtual attribute
                   - there is no actual instance variable
                   - but we can access the object as if there were

  • building a data structure
       - look at LinkedList code