CS312 - Spring 2012 - Class 12

  • administration
       - midterms
       - assignment 3 grades e-mailed
       - assignment 4 grades back soon
       - assignment 5 grades semi-soon
  • project management
       - so far, much of what we have focused on in this class (and in your college career) has been focused on the individual skill sets
          - this is important for you as an individual
          - however, an important part of any project is deciding:
             - the steps that will be taken for the project to evolve
             - how people will interact with eachother
             - how you'll do QA/testing
       - project management, deals with the group/project level and looks at techniques/approaches for managing the a project over its lifetime

  • project lifecycle: describe the steps/your process when you work on a project. Be realistic.

  • traditional project planning
       - followed a number of steps
          - requirement gathering, specifications, etc.
          - planning and design
          - implementation, testing and documentation
          - deployment and maintenance
       - sometimes called the "waterfall" method
          - sequential set of steps
          - once you moved on the the next step you were not supposed to revisit the previous steps
       - having a process in place
          - helped everyone understand what they were supposed to be doing
          - created a concrete specification
          - reduced uncertainty
          - tried to avoid missteps
       - the challenges were:
          - each of these steps took weeks or months
             - took a long time for a release
          - in particular, planning and design was an important and time-consuming step
          - but specifications change and then a lot of the time spent on design was lost

  • agile project development
       - agile manifesto: http://agilemanifesto.org/
       - key ideas
          - early and regular customer involvement
          - short, iterative development cycles
          - adaptive
          - regularly produce working software

  • why is agile better?
       - many surveys and studies
          - http://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/660321/how_agile_projects_measure_up_and_what_this.pdf
          - http://davidfrico.com/rico08b.pdf
       - more productive: faster development and shorter time-to-market
       - employees are happier
          - tends to fit better with what software developers want to naturally do
          - salesforce.com
             - before agile: 40% "good time" at work
             - after agile: 86% "good time" at work
             - 92% said they would recommend
          - many other examples
       - more flexible/adaptable to changes
       - more adaptable
       - tends to mesh better with what software developers want to do

  • many variations on agile project management
       - agile is a high-level theme, the techniques below are particular instantiations
          - extreme programming (XP)
          - scrum
          - feature driven development

  • we're going to use scrum for our projects

  • scrum basics

  • key players
       - customer
       - product manager
          - helps define user stories (i.e. functionality)
          - prioritizes user stories/functionality
       - software developers
       - scrum master
          - manages the scrum process
          - may or may not be part of the software developers

  • sprints: project is broken into fixed time chunks called sprints
       - a sprint is generally between 1-4 weeks, though they can be shorter
          - we'll use ~2 week sprints for our projects
       - a sprint is a self-contained project cycle
       - a sprint consists of the following key parts:
          - sprint planning: plan what will be accomplished during the spring
          - sprint stand-up meetings
             - meet for 15 minutes everyday (in our case 3 times a week)
             - each person should discuss
                - what they accomplished since the last meeting
                - anything "blocking" them, i.e. keeping them from moving forward on their task
             - used to setup follow-up meetings for longer issues
          - sprint demo: a demo of the features that were accomplished during the sprint
             - a sprint is a self-contained cycle so each sprint should see a new release
             - can only demo completed tasks
          - sprint retrospective
             - what went well
             - what didn't go well
             - consider possible changes to the process

  • user stories
       - one of the key differences between agile methods and traditional methods are user stories
       - A user story is a short, simple description of a feature told from the perspective of the customer
       - Often it is written in something along the lines of:
          As a <type of user>, I want <something> so that <why I want it>

          - for example:
             - As a customer I want the website to have a card feature so that I can store the things I plan on buying.
             - As a shipping manager I want to be able to print all address labels so that I can attach them to all outgoing packages.
             - As a system administrator I want a error log of all of the website issues e-mailed daily so that I can review it for major issues.
       - User stories can (and should) have more information, but shouldn't be too bogged down with detail
          - If you need more detail, talk to the person who created the user story (or who it's for)
       - User stories should be lightweight and shouldn't take too long to create
          - in particular, this is not a full design!
       - User stories can (and should) change over time

  • backlog
       - user stories define the features that we want to implement for our product
       - the backlog is where the user stories are managed and stored
       - the backlog:
          - consists of a prioritized list of user stories
             - things with higher priority should be accomplished first by the team
             - the priorities are generally managed by the product manager
          - the user stories will contain a difficulty score
             - the team determines this score based on their best guess
             - many ways of scoring a user story
                - time (e.g. hours, days, weeks to complete)
                - scale 1-5
                - scale 1-?
       - the backlog is used to decide what tasks will be tackled next during sprint planning
       - the backlog will change over time
          - the priority will change
          - more user stories will get added

  • life of a sprint revisited
       - before the sprint
          - the product manager (and others) populate the backlog with user stories
          - the product manager prioritizes the backlog
          - the team assigns scores to the user stories
       - sprint planning
          - based on prior experience (this gets better over time) the team commits to some user stories
             - as a team, they are committed to finishing these items by the end of the sprint
          - initial assignment of who will be working on what
             - this is only an initial assignment and people will (and should) move around as the sprint moves along
             - this will likely not cover all of the items in the sprint. When a user story is finished, then that person/group can start working on the next item on the list
       - sprint stand-up meetings
          - progress/blockers on your particular user story
          - should generally be done "standing up" to avoid meeting lasting too long
       - demo
          - at the end of the sprint show off what has been accomplished!
          - anyone can attend, including people outside the team
       - sprint retrospective
          - were all the tasks completed?
             - if not, why not?
          - changes for next time?

  • teamwork: although individuals and pairs often work on particular user stories, the team as a whole is committed to completing the sprint on time

  • completion
       - completing a user story does NOT just mean finishing coding
       - it means
          - feature is finished
          - unit tests are written and all pass
          - someone (often the creator of the user story) signs off that the task is complete

  • project idea voting

  • e-mail me your preferences

  • scrum video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_650246&src_vid=Q5k7a9YEoUI&feature=iv&v=XU0llRltyFM

  • project overview
  • TODO before next class
       - meet as a group
          - flush out the scope of the project a bit
          - create a backlog with user stories
             - do this in some tangible/editable media so that you have record of it over time
             - remember, they should be specific but not too detailed
             - you're going to need enough things to get your team started for at least 2 weeks
             - the more effort/thought you put into this now, the better off you'll be down the road