Instructions for submitting CS 62 assignments

  • Open a terminal window
  • Make a folder which will be the material you will be submitting. The folder name should be your last name, followed by your first name, followed by the assignment number. For example, for the first assignment I would make the directory as follows:

       mkdir kauchakdave1
  • Open Eclipse
  • Select File/Export...
  • Select Java/JAR file and click next
  • In the resources to export window, first make sure that all check boxes are empty
  • Still keeping everything unchecked, open your project all the way down through the "src" folder
  • Under the src folder, you will see your packages (often just "default package"). Select the package by checking it to the left. You should see all of your java files appear in the right window and the should be selected. Only those files selected will be included in your jar.
  • Make sure the files you want to submit and only the files you want to submit are selected
  • Check
      Export generated class files and resources
      Export java sources files and resources
  • and uncheck the other two.
  • To complete generating your jar select the destination and filename. Click the "Browse..." button. Navigate to the directory that you originally created above (for me, it was "kauchakdave1"). And save your jar file in that directory as [last_name][first_name][assignment_num].jar (e.g. "kauchakdave1.jar").
  • If there are any additional files we've asked you to submit besides your code copy them into your directory now.
  • Finally, cp this folder into the dropbox:

       cp -r kauchakdave1 /common/cs/cs062/dropbox/
       (-r stands for "recursive" so that it goes into the directory and copies the contents with the directory)
  • If you worked remotely, rather than on the lab machines. You'll need to use "scp" as follows:
       scp -r kauchakdave1 [username]
  • Other random notes

  • If you're using a windows machine you'll need to do the file creation through the windows interface, rather than at the command line and to remotely copy your files, I'd suggest downloading WinSCP. Come see me if you need help
  • If you need to resubmit a homework you will need to change the name of your submitted directory by giving it a version number. For example, "kauchakdave1-2" for a second revision