CS51 - Spring 2010 - Lecture 13

  • An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first one orders a beer. The second orders half a beer. The third, a quarter of a beer. The bartender says "You're all idiots", and pours two beers.

  • quiz: exercise 12.1.9

  • a few observations
       - Be careful when exporting
          - NEVER export back into the original folder that you imported into (i.e. in your cs51workspace folder)
          - Always export to a new folder (usually on your desktop, with your name, followed by the lab number)
       - Eclipse isn't always right!
          - when you have a compiler error, Eclipse will suggest actions it can take to correct the problem
          - DON'T!
          - sometimes Eclipse is right, but often it's wrong
          - look at the error and fix it yourself
       - Integer vs. int and Double vs. double
          - What's the difference?
             - Integer and Double are classes. The have associated methods, etc.
             - int and double are built-in data types
          - When should you use one vs. the other?
             - in this class, for variable types or parameters, we'll always use int or double
             - you may need to use some of the methods associated with the Integer or Double class (e.g. Integer.parseInt(...) or Integer.toString(...)), but don't use them as variable types

  • designing recursive programs
       - describe the recursion in words...this should suggest the recursive and base classes, as well as the instance variables in each
       - define an interface with all the methods that both the base and recursive cases must implement
       - define the class(es) representing the base case(s)
       - define the constructor(s) for the recursive class(es). The recursive calls in the constructor should create objects that are simpler than the one currently being constructed. In particular, eventually you should hit the base case.
       - write each method in the recursive class(es) using the assumption that the method will work correctly on the simpler objects referred to by the instance variables

  • show SimpleRecScribbler demo
       - this is the same basic scribbler that we saw before, but now we can drag the previous scribble
       - how does the basic version of scribble work?
          - onMouseDrag we draw a new line from wherever we were last time to where we are now
       - can we use recursion here?
       - describe the recursion in words
          - a "Scribble" is a line connected to another Scribble
       - what things do we want the Scribble to be able to do?
          - move
          - contains
       - what will the base case be?
          - remember our "recursive" definition is that a scribble is a line, followed by another Scribble
          - the base case is just an "empty" scribble
          - look at EmptyScribble class in SimpleRecScribbler code
       - what does the constructor for Scribble look like?
          - this is a little trickier this time
          - we're not constructing the drawing ourselves, but need the user's input to construct it
          - constructor needs to take a line and a scribble and we just save that information
       - write the methods?
       - look at NonEmptyScribble class in SimpleRecScribbler code

  • how do we construct a complete scribble?
       - for all the other ones, we've been constructing it from the top down, i.e. from the largest thing to the smallest (i.e the base case)
       - here, we're going to construct it from the bottom (base case) up
       - as the user drags
          - we keep track of the current scribble
          - when we draw a line, we also add that line onto our current scribble
       - look at SimpleRecScribbler code
          - always start with the empty scribble
          - link in the new lines as we draw them

  • show DraggableChain demo
       - similar to the scribbler demo, except now we've replaced a line with a ball
       - describe the recursion in words
          - a "chain" is a FilledOval connected to a chain
       - what things do we want the chain to be able to do?
          - move
          - contains
       - what will the base case be?
          - an EmptyChain
          - look at EmptyChain class in DraggableChain demo
       - what does the constructor look like?
          - FilledOval
          - ChainIfc
          - notice that like the scribble example, another class constructs the FilledOval. The Chain class is just used to keep track of the items so we can manipulate them
       - methods

  • show ChainReaction demo
       - like before, every time I click a new ball is added to the end of our chain
       - every time I move the mouse out of the window, the balls all move to the right in an animated fashion
       - how can we make this happen?
          - idea 1: created an AnimatedBall class that extends ActiveObject and then create a chain of AnimatedBalls rather than FilledOvals
             - ActiveObjects are always animated
             - we'd have to figure out some way to pause and unpause them
             - getting the timing right from ball to ball would also be challenging
          - idea 2: each time we want to move the chain over, we create a new ActiveObject to handle the animation of moving the balls over once
             - the timing is done in one class, so we can move the balls in sequence
             - just create a new object to move them each time the mouse exits the window
       - what would this class, we'll call it BallListAnimater, look like?
          - extends ActiveObject
          - need to take in a chain (which we'll call a BallList)
          - in the run method
             - for each ball:
                - animate the movement to the right
             - nested while loops
                - one to iterate over the balls
                - one (an inner one) to animate the movement of the ball
       - we can use our same recursive definition of a Chain/BallList as before
          - a "ball list" is a FilledOval connected to a ball list
       - how can we describe the animation process recursively?
                - as long as our ball list has remaining balls, animate the ball at the front of the list
                - then, animate the rest of the list
       - what things do we want the ball list to be able to do?
          - The key place we'll be using this is in the BallListAnimator
             - need to be able to get the FramedOval that's at the front of the ball list (so we can animate it)
             - need to be able to get the rest of the ball list
             - need to be able to tell if there are any remaining balls
             - look at BallListIfc class
                - getFirst()
                - getRest()
                - isEmpty()
       - what will the base case be?
          - isEmpty() will return true;
          - look at EmptyBallList
       - what does the constructor look like?
          - constructor doesn't change
       - what about the methods?
          - getFirst() just returns the FramedOval
          - getRest() the recursive portion
          - isEmpty() returns false

  • look at ChainReaction code
       - ChainReaction
          - onMousePress we append another ball on to the beginning of the ball list
          - onMouseExit creates a new BAllListAnimator
       - BallListAnimator
          - iterates over each of the balls in the outer while loop
             - ballList = ballList.getRest() moves it along to the next ball
          - inner while loops animates the movement of a ball a first distance

  • these two examples (Scribble and ChainReaction) are both examples of what are called linked lists

  • Show TP1
       - 3 separate problems
       - this is a take home exam
          - you CANNOT
             - get help from other students
             - get help from the TAs beyond things like getting the files loaded or submitting
          - you MAY
             - use your book, online examples and previous labs (in fact, we encourage you to reuse code)
             - talk to the professor, but will only answer clarifying questions
                - if you get really stuck, I can give you hints at the cost of points
       - TAs will grade for functionality and I will grade for style
       - style
          - be careful and think about your design decisions
          - look at booleans and boolean expressions carefully
          - think if you can simplify things
          - use constants
       - extra credit
          - your grade is out of 100
          - the total if you do everything we ask, is only 96
          - you need to do some extra features for some of the problems to make up the additional 4 points. We've given you some suggestions, but feel free to do other things you think of.
          - in addition, you can earn an extra 4 points of extra credit
       - due Friday before spring break (get it done early :)