PaulsPlayer has 23.5 wins, and total score 897 AaronZeke has 23 wins, and total score 919 DustinsPlayer has 21.0 wins, and total score 805 OmerfoglePlayer has 20.5 wins, and total score 741 RuchPlayer has 20.0 wins, and total score 735 LandoMancalarissian has 16.5 wins, and total score 692* WillCPlayer has 15.5 wins, and total score 714 BenjaminsPlayer has 14.5 wins, and total score 700 RicardoPlayer has 14.5 wins, and total score 676 ManClawe has 13 wins, and total score 660 KeithsPlayer has 11 wins, and total score 631 HuiePlayer has 10.5 wins, and total score 658 BeanieMomWebsite has 9 wins, and total score 538 DMACPlayer has 8.5 wins, and total score 586 OmNomNom has 5.5 wins, and total score 511