Department of Computer Science
Pomona College
CS 159 - Natural Language Processing
Fall 2024

instructor: Dave Kauchak
e-mail: David.[last_name]
office hours: Edmunds 224
  Mon 3-4pm
  Wed 3-4pm
  Thu 9:30-10:30am
  and by appointment

mentor hours:
  Tuesday 6-9pm: Sumi

web page:


Other information:


Note: This is a tentative schedule and will likely change
8/27 introduction Ch 1 Assign 0 (.tex) Due: Thursday, 8/29
8/29 regular expressions (ppt), corpus analysis (ppt) Ch 2-2.4 Assign 1 (.tex) Due: Wednesday, 9/4
9/3 probability (ppt)
9/5 language modeling (ppt) Ch 3-3.4 Assign 2a (.tex) - 2b (.tex) A - Due: Thursday, 9/12
B - Due: Wednesday, 9/18
9/10 LM smoothing (ppt) - discounting example Ch 3.4-3.6
9/12 LM lab
9/17 syntax basics (ppt) Ch 8-8.3, 10-10.2 Assign 3 (.tex) Due: Wednesday, 9/25
9/19 grammars Ch 11-11.2 Quiz 1
9/24 parsing Ch 12-12.4
9/26 improved parsing Ch 12.5-12.11 Assignment 4a - 4b A - Due: Monday, 9/30
B - Due: Wednesday, 10/9
10/1 parsing lab
10/3 text similarity Ch 6-6.7
10/8 word similarity Assignment 5 A - Due: Thursday, 10/17
B - Due: Wednesday, 10/23
10/10 neural networks Ch 7-7.4 Quiz 2
10/15 fall break
10/17 word representation

Topics we'll likely cover in the second half of the semester: